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Showing posts from January, 2020

5 Chill Day Ideas

I am the WORST for feeling like I need to be doing something all the time. Feeling like everyday I need to be out exploring, living my quote 'best life' and also showing the world that I am. Staying indoors all day just having a lazy day just seems impossible for me, maybe this is just me that struggles with this haha! But I can't seem to find comfort in chilling out at home and taking a day to rest. Often if I have no plans one day, my head will start to wander into a feeling of worrying and self loathing. I can't sit still, I get panicked and fill will stress.  This constant need to be out somewhere and achieving something has got my into a horrible circle of spending money just to entertain myself. Dragging my friends and family out places just so I am not stressed being in the house - when often they are more than happy watching tv all day.   So I have complied this list of things to do with your day in the house that if like me you struggle with boredom and ...

Healthy Lifestyle Advice

Society these days controls our idea of being 'healthy' more than we know it. Each day we scroll social media and we see influencers with these amazing toned bodies claiming they have the 'Quickest ways to loose weight'. Society has painted the picture that to have a healthy body a women has to have toned muscles and a perfect hour glass figure.For a man they must have these big biceps and predominant 6 pack. Also that this can be achieved in a matter of days. But I believe this is simply not the case. - These bodies are not realistic - They are not sustainable. We cannot believe that after drinking these Detox teas or eating a protein bar and doing a 5 minute Abb blast that this is going to keep us healthy in the long run. We should be adopting healthy habits that are going to last for our whole lives - Not just for the 'Summer body'. A healthy lifestyle is for me - Is eating a balanced diet that fuels our body - Full of nutrients and energy - Enjoying t...

5 Easy Self Care Ideas

The start of a new year and we all want to be the best versions of ourselves on the outside. Set ourselves these big challenges that few of us stick. However I challenge you to make more time for YOU, more time spent on YOURSELF on the INSIDE. These 5 little steps can be implemented into your daily routine. That might just lift you into positive mindset we all aim for. Idea 1 : Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day OR say them aloud to yourself each night before you go to sleep. This will end your day thinking of the POSITIVE things letting your mind rest with happy thoughts. - There can ALWAYS be some positives. Idea 2 : Take pride in your daily outfits.   Try and where outfits that you feel good in, be comfy and where you own style. Another idea which can be so small is add something to your outfit that you really love every day. It could be a little bracelet you love or a big cosy scarf. Something that you feel good about and that you feel comfortable i...

New Year Goal Setting

Its January 2020, not just a new year but a whole new decade! The time where everyone says - 'New year new me' - sets themselves big goals and has big plans for the coming year. This is great and I encourage everyone to set goals however a lot of the time, slowly but surely these resolutions and goals start to be forgotten about and we fall back into our old habits. Which can then make us feel deflated and down because we have not achieved what we waned too. Taking yourself back into that circle of unhappiness that you had worked so hard to get out of at the start of the year. So this year, 2020, still set yourself goals and make those resolutions however make them REALISTIC. Think - can I actually achieve this - can I put a plan in place that will allow me to be successful. If the answer is no then rethink you goal, make your goals smaller steps that will one day help you achieve your overall dream. Another tip is don't make too many new years resolutions as again they...