I am the WORST for feeling like I need to be doing something all the time. Feeling like everyday I need to be out exploring, living my quote 'best life' and also showing the world that I am. Staying indoors all day just having a lazy day just seems impossible for me, maybe this is just me that struggles with this haha! But I can't seem to find comfort in chilling out at home and taking a day to rest. Often if I have no plans one day, my head will start to wander into a feeling of worrying and self loathing. I can't sit still, I get panicked and fill will stress. This constant need to be out somewhere and achieving something has got my into a horrible circle of spending money just to entertain myself. Dragging my friends and family out places just so I am not stressed being in the house - when often they are more than happy watching tv all day. So I have complied this list of things to do with your day in the house that if like me you struggle with boredom and ...