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5 Chill Day Ideas

I am the WORST for feeling like I need to be doing something all the time. Feeling like everyday I need to be out exploring, living my quote 'best life' and also showing the world that I am. Staying indoors all day just having a lazy day just seems impossible for me, maybe this is just me that struggles with this haha! But I can't seem to find comfort in chilling out at home and taking a day to rest. Often if I have no plans one day, my head will start to wander into a feeling of worrying and self loathing. I can't sit still, I get panicked and fill will stress. 

This constant need to be out somewhere and achieving something has got my into a horrible circle of spending money just to entertain myself. Dragging my friends and family out places just so I am not stressed being in the house - when often they are more than happy watching tv all day.  

So I have complied this list of things to do with your day in the house that if like me you struggle with boredom and the literal fear of being lazy. These little ideas allow your body to have time to rest and you to actually enjoy being chill for a day. - These tips are all ones I have tried out myself. 

1. Start a scrapbook - This has got to be my FAVOURITE thing to do with my time. Printing out photos from holidays or days out and making them into a paperback memory is so much fun. This allows you to look at everything you have been up too and celebrate all those fun memories you have. I would highly highly recommend this. It's also fun to do with friends or your partner.  

2. Try on outfits/clean your wardrobe - Take a look at all your clothes, we all have items of clothing that we just never wear. One thing I like to do is get all my clothes out and try and find new outfits from things I already own. That way you can see how you can style your outfits differently instead of wearing similar things everyday. This will also let you see what clothes you don't need anymore and that maybe you could sell or donate to a charity shop. 

3. Try and new recipe - Having a day at home is the perfect importunity to put little bit more effort into dinner that evening. This can be looking online for a new recipe or getting those cookbooks out that have just been collecting dust for months. I love to do this, it still makes me feel like I am achieving something for that day. Also making a brownie for dessert is a MUST!

4. Pamper yourself - Give yourself a full pamper day, you deserve it! Run yourself a big bath with bubbles and all your favourite bath products. All the masks you can think of hair masks, face masks, foot masks..... - my personal favourites are from Tropic Skincare. This will leave you feeling refreshed and smelling fabulous. Also it just gives you an opportunity to use all those products you don't use in your day - to - day routine. Take your time and enjoy it. 

5. Start a blog - This sounds very cliche but starting my own blog has really helped me improve my self esteem and its just great fun. On days where I have no plans I can spend time taking photos for my Instagram or creating new blog posts. Even though I may not have many people at all reading my posts - I enjoy the creative side and it is very rewarding to see the small growth. Again allows me to feel I am achieving something each day. 

I would just like to say again that this is something I still struggle with daily and that aslong as you are making progress no matter how small that is all that matters.

Thankyou for reading,

LifelikeAlyx :)


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