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Routine in Isolation

As we all know this is a really weird time to be alive - all this uncertainty is causing all of us some added stress. I am finding it myself so hard to keep in a healthy routine when I feel so restricted in what I can do. Keeping myself busy is something I always struggle with and can become really flustered if I feel I have not been productive enough on a particular day.

So in this post I am going to be sharing some tips that I will be using to try and keep myself in a healthy routine.

1. Follow your class/work schedule - Yes this sounds awfully simple and one in which you are probably trying to do. But it is so important. For me in my university career I have classes and work I need to be doing daily, therefore I am trying to follow these class timetables even when I'm not on campus. For example on a Monday morning I have my nutrition class therefore at that time at home I will look over my lecturers and do my work for that class. This is so important to ensure you don't end up with a pile of classes to catch up with by the end of semester.

2. Create a positive work space - Find a place in your home to dedicate as your work place. Take this opportunity to create a comfy and cosy place for you to work from and enjoy working from. So whenever you go to start your work you can feel calm and ready to be productive. I like to ensure I sit at my desk, light a candle and have a cup of tea to get me started.

3. Use your planner - Continue to plan your days, make your to-do lists and plan your week. This will again help you to continue in your normal routine and allow you to keep on top of your work.  I recently purchased a Law of Attraction planner on Amazon from the brand Freedom Mastery which I'm so excited to start using. It is also important to plan times for a rest during your days. So ensure you are marking out times in the day for you to do things that help you relax, ideas for this will be coming in a future post.

Here pictured is my Law of Attraction planner - Freedom Mastery

4. Plan your meals - This is your time to enjoy cooking. Every day you can plan out your breakfast, lunch and tea to be excited about cooking them, giving you something to look forward too each day when you are doing your work. I always love to put effort into making a delicious breakfast for myself and my family, so this is the perfect time to take full advantage of this. I hope you can find the enjoyment in cooking and booking. Taking the time to bake some delicious treats for you and your family to enjoy, I always love to look through Cordially Invited by Zoe Sugg for recipe ideas and her Zoella blog also has great ideas too!

Here pictured is my morning pancakes using the recipe from Cordially Invited by Zoe Sugg

5. Exercise - Now of course we are fortunate enough to get to the gym now but we can all still fit in some daily exercise. Weather that be doing a 'at home' workout or going out for a remote run or even a brisk walk. It is so important to try and keep yourself some what active. Exercise releases endorphins helping you to keep a positive mind. If going for a run isn't your thing then have a look on You tube their are so many channels out there that show lots of fitness tips that can be really helpful during this time. My current favourite is Emma's Rectangle.

These are just a few wee tips to help you stay in your work routine whilst spending so much time at home. Keeping in your routine will allow you to keep some normality in your life and hopefully reduce your anxious thoughts.

I am currently also working on a post on ideas of things you can do to boost your mood and stay positive during this time - So keep a look out for that.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and Stay Safe :)



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