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New Year Goal Setting

Its January 2020, not just a new year but a whole new decade!

The time where everyone says - 'New year new me' - sets themselves big goals and has big plans for the coming year. This is great and I encourage everyone to set goals however a lot of the time, slowly but surely these resolutions and goals start to be forgotten about and we fall back into our old habits. Which can then make us feel deflated and down because we have not achieved what we waned too. Taking yourself back into that circle of unhappiness that you had worked so hard to get out of at the start of the year.

So this year, 2020, still set yourself goals and make those resolutions however make them REALISTIC. Think - can I actually achieve this - can I put a plan in place that will allow me to be successful. If the answer is no then rethink you goal, make your goals smaller steps that will one day help you achieve your overall dream. Another tip is don't make too many new years resolutions as again they will be become to hard to stick to and you'll lose touch with actually achieving any of them.

I suggest 3 new goals for the year- that is what I have decided for 2020 myself - 3 goals that I believe I can successfully achieve and also enjoy achieving. That is also an important point, these resolutions should be fun, yes they should challenge you. However they should not become a chore or a hassle, because again at some point you will fall out of the routine.

My 2020 New Year resolutions:

1. Be more happy spending time at home and chilling out (Do not have to have big plans everyday)
2. Be less hesitant - just do it and do things for myself (well try and improve this)
3. Run a half marathon

These goals are not huge and even if I only make small steps towards these then at least I am moving forward.

Do not worry about not fully achieving your goals - As long as you are moving forward then that's all that matters. You will get there eventually - doesn't matter how long it takes.

Thankyou for reading,

Love, Alyx ➷


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