For me personally having a morning routine is so so important to ensure I have a productive day. I always like to get up a little earlier than I need to so I have some time to focus on myself. Whether that is doing my full skin routine, taking more time with my hair or simply making my self a cup of tea and a nutritious breakfast that I have time to enjoy. However, as much as I have the idea of a positive morning routine, this does always not go to plan and that's okay. Every thing doesn't always need to go to plan, its about keeping going and trying. So if you have big plans for your morning or even your day as a whole and they don't work out that's fine. Just keep going and as long as your moving forward that's really all that matters. I've developed these 5 small steps that you can add to your morning routine to help you feel happy and healthy. EVEN when you've snoozed your alarm a few times...... 1. Skincare - Now I'm not talking a full...